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Our service for healthcare professionals

Telemedicine and digital health solutions for doctors and hospitals

Quality guaranteed

As an independent medical telemedicine and digital health pioneer with 20 years of experience, we have expertise and offers that are specially designed to meet the needs of medical practices and hospitals. We offer solutions to support you with specific issues (such as emergency services, practice telephones) and ensure qualified referrals. We also support you in providing telemedicine with expertise, infrastructure and technology.

Management of emergency telephone services

We manage your medical emergency phone service for you (24/7 or at specified times) to support the emergency departments of hospitals as well as regional doctors. This would be at no cost to you. The costs of medical care by Medgate's doctors are billed to the health insurance company, according to the 'user pays' principle in the context of statutory benefits. Patients who need or would like a physical consultation will continue to be cared for by local doctors.


Management of medical practice telephones during absences

We manage your practice phone on weekends, at night and if you are on vacation or ill. Our doctors take the calls and treat your patients professionally in the context of a teleconsultation. If an on-site visit to a doctor is necessary, we refer the patient back to your practice – or in emergencies, to the appropriate institution.

Swiss-wide referral network

Become a member of the Medgate Partner Network, Switzerland's largest service provider network, and benefit from specific referrals. The Medgate Partner Network is a foundation that allows medical service providers to network with Medgate. The foundation is based on the concept of interdisciplinary integrated care. The Medgate Partner Network serves as a Swiss-wide referral network.

More about the Partner Network

Customizable upgrade offer and partnership

Telemedicine and digital health offer numerous benefits when providing care for patients – in both emergencies and follow-up care.

We offer a wide range of options for working with us that are tailored specifically to your needs. You can even upgrade the video consultation platform and add your own branding.

That's why Medgate is the ideal partner

  • Over 20 years of experience in telemedicine and digital health
  • Targeted support and qualified referrals
  • Independent medical service provider with the same rights and obligations as a medical practice
  • Widely accepted, evidence-based telemedicine guidelines
  • Recognized telemedicine training and licensing
  • Optimized technology infrastructure developed in-house
  • Extensive experience in technology development (e.g. artificial intelligence and FOPH coronavirus check)

Interested in collaborating with us?

As a telemedicine and digital health pioneer with 20 years of experience, we are a reliable and innovative partner. We’ll be happy to put together a custom offer tailored to your needs. We look forward to hearing from you.